
Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The Sublime Bump: 15 weeks

15 weeks pregnant! The last week has been a bit exhausting because our whole family was struck down with a dreadful tummy bug and now V has a cough. But I am so relieved to be over that bug, if a bit tired from getting up in the night with V!

At 15 weeks baby will be around the size of a navel orange. That seems big - no wonder my bump is getting so pronounced. I've been feeling movement since about 11 weeks, which is much earlier than I felt it in my first pregnancy. I'm having an antenatal check up tomorrow and I'm hoping I might get to hear baby's heartbeat then.

Symptoms wise I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. I'm having some nausea particularly when I'm tired, and I am feeling the need for more sleep than usual, but not really getting it at the moment as my little guy is a bit ill and not sleeping well. I feel hungry all the time so I'm eating a lot more than usual. The things I'm eating are fairly healthy but I do have the urge to eat a lot of things with cheese in them! Toasted sandwiches, baked potatoes and quesadillas have been big cravings recently.

Another symptom I tend to have when pregnant is restless legs, and here's where I can give a top tip to fellow sufferers: I find that eating bananas really helps lessen this irritating problem. I craved bananas a lot in my first pregnancy which helped me discover the connection!

I'm afraid I didn't manage to take the clearest photos but you can see that my bump is growing. This week I'd be grateful for any advice on how not to overeat in pregnancy as this is something I am struggling with!


  1. So exciting! Looking good there :-) I remember the second time round I got bigger much faster and felt the baby kicking much sooner too.

    1. Thank you! Yes, everything seems to be happening so quickly this time! x

  2. Aw you look gorgeous and look at that cute bump, beautiful. I had restless leg syndrome and like you mentioned in an earlier post, ate bananas and I think someone recommended soda water too. Second pregnancies fly by! x

    1. Ah, I will try drinking more soda water too. I tend to particularly enjoy fizzy water when I'm pregnant anyway! x

  3. I spy a bump! You look gorgeous. My bumped popped out almost immediately second time around. There was definitely no hiding it. I'm so excited for you xxx

    1. Thanks! Yes the bump is definitely out there! x

  4. You have such a cute little bump! :)

    Hope that now everyone has recovered you get the chance to rest some more! :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thanks Mica :) Soon my husband's going to have some time off so that will mean lots of extra rest for me. I can't wait! x


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